Majorityrights News > Category: Law & Order

(((Frame Games))) on ethnic component of 2008 crisis & why you need to care about identity politics

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 20 July 2018 05:54.

Representing the largest part of the economy, real estate is followed by goverment and then the financial industry proper.
(((Frame Games))) narrates a history culminating in the 2008 financial crisis/real estate melt-down: beginning with the riots of the 1960’s by which blacks effectively extorted property owners; followed by the 1968 Rumford Fair Housing Act which prohibited discrimination with regard to whom one rents or sells a bomb being set with ‘The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977”; then Clinton’s lighting the fuse on these race based programs, which forced banks to make risky loans to blacks (a capacity compounded by taking down the Glass-Steagall Act); to objectivist Greenspan’s instigation of the housing bubble, including with “creative investment mediums”; and finally the 2008 melt down - the biggest theft in American and possibly all known history.

German women killed by migrants so far in 2018

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 July 2018 02:07.

German women killed so far in 2018 by migrants:

Anna L. Theis (16)

Johanna Hahn (22)

Keira Gross (14)

Mireille B. (17)

Melanie Rehberger (30)

Sophia Lösche (28)

Cora B. (18)

Susanne Thierolf (40)

Sandra P. (34)

Susanna F. (14)

Amanda Drini (24)

European Summit: small V4 victory; Brexit overshadowed as Merkel migrant coalition tries to hang-on

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 02 July 2018 06:41.

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaité during the signing ceremony with Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker. [European Commission]

“European Summit: small victory for the V4”

Visigrad Post, 30 June 2018:

On Thursday 28 and Friday 29 of June the leaders of the 28 Member States of the European Union met in Brussels for a summit to discuss in particular migration policy at a European scale. A summit that has brought some progress but which is not a decisive victory for anyone, even if the V4 can celebrate having imposed its themes and some of its solutions, as well as having overcome the domination of the immigrationist paradigm.

Belgium, Brussels – Once again, the European Union seems to be paralyzed. The leaders of the 28 EU Member States, however, all wanted to move the debate on the migration issue forward, and the discussions dragged on late into the night. Nothing helps, the migration issue is not settled, and no idea is unanimous.

The Hungarian Prime Minister represented the Visegrád countries during the V4-France meeting preceding the summit, in order to negotiate with Emmanuel Macron. The immigrationist governments, like those of the French Republic or Germany, have agreed to abandon the idea of ​​mandatory quotas for all, which is already a great victory for Viktor Orbán and V4. For the strong man of Budapest, who announced on his arrival in Brussels his willingness to put an end to massive and uncontrolled immigration to Europe and initiate remigration, the summit can not however be seen as a total victory.

Certainly, the EU is starting to be in tune with the solution proposed by the V4 three years ago, namely the setting up of refugee camps outside the EU borders – to make the registration of applications and to distinguish refugees from cheaters and economic migrants – and Frontex control over the Mediterranean Sea. But if we do not know the exact content of the negotiations, we understand that each side had to make concessions.

Quotas will only apply to Member States wishing to participate in the relocation of immigrants, but those who oppose it may well be required to participate more heavily in the funding of protection structures. Frontex should indeed significantly increase its workforce in the coming years, and that will have a cost. Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini announced that Slovakia was volunteering to temporarily accommodate 1,200 migrants to relieve neighboring countries – referring to Austria. He insisted, however, that every migrant should be accepted by the government, and that none of them could enter and stay in Slovakia without prior government control and acceptance.

No details on the technical solutions: the EU is talking about increasing aid to the countries of origin of the migrants, but the population of these countries is expected to double by 2050. And what about the migrants which will be refused in the registration camps? Many questions still arise.

A concrete progress for the Visegrád group, certainly because of the Italian pressure on the issue, is that NGOs should now stop picking up in the Libyan territorial waters migrants on smugglers’ ships, and let the Libyan coastguard do their work. This should considerably dry up the massive influx of illegal immigrants into Italy, and therefore into Europe.

So if the V4 has managed to establish itself as a key and influential trading partner, it has not – yet? – obtained total gain of cause. The fight within the EU on the migration issue has not been resolved this week.

Euractiv, “EU summit approves tortured conclusions on migration after sleepless night”, 29 June 2018:

EU leaders reached a much-needed deal on steps to tackle migration after resolving a bitter row with Italy’s inexperienced prime minister. Extended talks lasted through the night and only wrapped up on Friday morning (29 June).

Europe’s leaders got the bitter taste of what anti-system diplomacy, or creative disruption means. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who heads Italy’s month-old populist and anti-immigration government, took the entire summit as hostage.

Conte blocked the summit conclusions in a bid to get his reluctant counterparts to share responsibility for asylum seekers landing on Italian shores.

A summit ending without conclusions would have been a political disaster with unpredictable negative consequences for the EU bloc, so the stakes were high

A relieved Merkel in backround as an agitated Conte gets a pat on the back from Tusk and Macron

Disruptive diplomacy

Former law professor Conte, until recently a virtual political unknown, came to Brussels emboldened by the announcement of an upcoming visit to Washington to visit US President Donald Trump, who has hailed Rome’s tough stance, and who himself blocked the conclusions of a recent G7 leaders meeting on trade.

The summit which is expected to end today by noon, was called the “mother of all summits”, in particular because of the potential impact on the political future of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is wrestling to preserve her fragile government at home.

“Europe has many challenges but migration could end up determining Europe’s destiny,” Merkel told German lawmakers hours ahead of the summit.

There are very few migrants arriving in Germany recently but Merkel’s conservative CSU ally warned it would send back migrants who reach the German border after having registered in other EU states.

Such a move could see a domino effect of re-introduction of internal borders and the collapse of the Schengen area.

In contrast, Italy is actually under migratory pressure from the Central Mediterranean route with significant numbers of arrivals salvaged at sea and brought to its ports. Since the new government took over, Italy has refused to let several migrant rescue boats dock at Italian ports, reopening EU divisions.

“Italy does not need more words, but concrete actions,” Conte told reporters as he arrived at the summit, adding that if EU leaders did not offer more help “we will not have shared conclusions”. Italy wants the responsibility for migrants on ships arriving on its shores to be shared out across the 28-nation European Union.

Drama at summit

European Council spokesman Preben Aamann said that after several hours of talks, conclusions on all issues from the summit – which is also dealing with trade and defence in addition to the core subject of migration – had been blocked.

“Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed,” an Italian source added.

Other sources said the other 27 EU leaders were “astonished” and unhappy over Italy hardening its position and that “it was a very virulent discussion and everyone jumped on the Italian”.

Euractiv, “The Roundup”, 29 June 2018:

The ‘mother of all summits’ wrapped up earlier. Check out how it all unfolded here. It was all supposed to be about unity but there wasn’t even a family photo, in what seems like a new tradition.

Jean-Claude Juncker was in full House of Cards mode about his upcoming trip to Washington to try and avert an all-out trade war. Conclusions on the eurozone were, as expected, the bare minimum.

Brexit barely got a mention, except on “insufficient progress”. Emmanuel Macron has lost patience and wants a final withdrawal deal done by the autumn. British actor and repentant Leave voter Danny Dyer summed up ex-PM David Cameron’s role in one moment of genius.

One overlooked result of the summit was an agreement between the Baltics, Poland and the Commission on decoupling Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from Russia’s power grid and sphere of influence.

Euractiv, “EU, Baltics, Poland target Russia grid separation by 2025”, 29 June 2018:

The Baltic nations, Poland and the European Commission agreed Thursday (28 June) on a roadmap to synchronise the region’s electricity network with the rest of continental Europe’s by 2025 and end their reliance on the Russian grid.

The leaders of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the European Commission all signed up to a political agreement during a special ceremony on the sidelines of the ongoing European Council summit.

According to the roadmap, the deadline for concluding the synchronisation of the Baltic grid is set for 2025, using an existing electricity interconnector between Poland and Lithuania, as well as a planned undersea cable.

The latter project will only be undertaken if results of a study by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) show that it guarantees energy security, security of supply and if costs are within reason. Results due in September.

Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said that “since the beginning of our mandate, my Commission has been committed to having full integration of the Baltic states’ grids with the rest of Europe”.

Energy Union boss Maroš Šefčovič called the deal “solidarity at its best“, adding that the project will “cost us a lot from the European budget”, through the Connecting Europe Facility.

Poland’s role in the preliminary deal is crucial as it will act as the primary link between the Baltics and the rest of Europe. In March, the three countries revealed they would not support any EU sanctions against Warsaw as part of the ongoing rule of law spat with Brussels.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (L-R), Estonian Prime Minister Juris Ratas, Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Latvia’s Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis during Prime Ministers Council of the Baltic Council of Ministers with Polish counterpart in Vilnius, Lithuania 9 Mar 2018. [EPA-EFE]

Baltic states against EU sanctions on Poland

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have confirmed that they are against imposing EU sanctions on Poland for alleged breaches to the rule of law. EURACTIV Poland reports.

Thursday’s agreement was long overdue, after disputes about how best to cut ties with the Russian-Belorussian network stood in the way of any progress.

Estonia and Latvia initially both favoured setting up a second alternating current (AC) connection with Poland to complement the existing LitPol link but Lithuania and Poland did not support that idea, despite studies showing that two AC connections would be best.


No orange ones, Huckabee or dogs allowed: private property, freedom of association or “civil rights”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 08:12.

Of course WN should go with the angle that it was the prerogative of the restaurateur to discriminate and throw her out as a matter of private business/property and freedom of association. This can begin to challenge the (((64 Civil Rights Act))) which violates the capacity (of Whites, anyway) to discriminate on behalf of their private property, business and prerogative of association.

Telegraph, “Restaurant owner who asked Sarah Sanders to leave says she was taking moral stand against Donald Trump”, 24 June 2018:

Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, was refused service at a restaurant on Friday, sparking angry accusations that Donald Trump’s aides are the target of liberal “bigotry”.

Mrs Sanders said she had been asked to leave by the owner of the Red Hen, about three hours drive outside Washington.

The story was confirmed by the restaurant’s owner who said she felt she had to take a stand against for “honesty” and “compassion”.

Mrs Sanders wrote on Twitter: “I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia to leave because I work for the president and I politely left.


“Her (the owner’s) actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”


The confrontation comes at a particularly tense time in American politics, with protests growing over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border policy that has separated children from parents. It follows months and years of growing polarisation in American politics - the cause and effect of Mr Trump’s rise to power.

Republicans lost no time in accusing liberals of policing restaurants.

Mrs Sanders’ father Mike Huckabee, the former Republican presidential candidate, said: “Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. Or you can ask for the ‘Hate Plate’. And appetisers are ‘small plates for small minds’.”

Earlier in the week, Mr Trump’s homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, cut short a dinner at a Mexican restaurant after protesters shouted “Shame!” until she left.

The Red Hen Credit: Daniel Lin

Mrs Sanders’ treatment at the restaurant created a social media commotion with people on both sides weighing in.

On Yelp, a reviewer of the restaurant wrote: “Don’t eat here if you’re a Republican, wearing a MAGA hat or a patriot.”

But other reviewers supported the restaurant owner’s actions.

Both sides of the debate have been leaving comments on the restaurant’s social media sites Credit: Daniel Lin/AP

One said: “12/10 would recommend. Bonus: this place is run by management who stuck up for their beliefs and who are true Americans.” The restaurant was in the town of Lexington, population 7,000, which voted heavily against Mr Trump.

Stephanie Wilkinson, co-owner of the tiny 26-seat eaterie, said she was at home when staff called to tell her Mrs Sanders was dining and she went to see.

She told the Washington Post: “I’m not a huge fan of confrontation. I have a business, and I want the business to thrive.

“But this feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

When she got there Mrs Sanders, her husband and several others had cheese boards in front of them.

Ms Wilkinson consulted her staff who had all seen Mrs Sander defending the separation of illegal immigrant families at the border. The staff said they wanted Mrs Sanders to leave.

Ms Wilkinson said she went to Mrs Sanders, told her she was the owner, and asked her on to the patio “for a word”.

She said: “I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion. I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation. I said ‘I’d like to ask you to leave’.”

Mrs Sanders was polite and said simply: “That’s fine. I’ll go.”

Her party followed her out, offering to pay, but were told they did not need to.

Someone claiming to be a member of the waiting staff posted details of the incident on social media, including a memo about Mrs Sanders being 86ed - slang for ejecting someone.


The details were forwarded in a tweet by Brennan Gilmore, the executive director of environmental group Clean Virginia.

Related at Majorityrights: “Women Without Class

Patriot Brexiteers take to London streets on second anniversary of Brexit

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 June 2018 14:46.

Deep Ellum, Black hyper-assertiveness & Abrahamic prescription for self transcendence of White EGI

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 June 2018 07:26.

One of the victims has a surprising message for his attacker. Victims want their attackers caught, but they’re hoping whomever did that can turn their lives around - Brandon Aruffo said: “I’m still not thinking clearly, I don’t remember much. ...everybody’s alive, we’re ok, so that’s what matters.” Words for the suspects: “I forgive you. I hope that you find whatever in life that you’re looking for. And may god bless you. And I hope that you start living a better way.”

DFWCBSlocal, “Pair Attacked In Deep Ellum Share Story”, 18 June 2018:

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Over the weekend a violent attack was captured on camera in Deep Ellum. It happened around 2:30 a.m. Saturday outside of The Bomb Factory and left two people badly injured.

Brandon Aruffo and Mikaela Benatti said they were heading home after a night out when it happened.

“It just happened so quickly,” Benatti said. “We were walking down Henry and took a left on to Canton. These guys came out of nowhere.”

In the surveillance video you can see Aruffo is punched from behind. He hits ground and is knocked unconscious. One of the men then moves to Benatti. He knocks her to her knees and tries to take her purse.


“He just started hitting me and I have a crossbody, a little clutch that wraps around, and he was trying to pull it off of me,” Benatti said. “The worst part to me is the strap broke and they just walked off. They didn’t run. It definitely seemed like something they had done before.”

Benatti said the two men walked off with her purse and Aruffo’s wallet. She called 911 and waited for an ambulance to arrive. They were both treated for bad injuries.

“I have a concussion, some staples back here, some stitches in my lip” Aruffo said.

Benatti has face fractures and bruised knees.

The two said they won’t be coming back to Deep Ellum any time soon. They believe the area is becoming too dangerous.

“I just don’t feel safe going there,” Aruffo said. “If you do go to Deep Ellum it’s safer to travel in a pack,” Aruffo said.

Saturday’s incident is just one of a series of violent attacks in Deep Ellum recently.

In late May a woman was jumped outside of Bucky Moonshine’s and in April a woman was violently punched outside of Adams Hats Lofts. It happened just across the street from where Aruffo and Benatti were attacked.

Police are trying to identify the two men seen attacking Aruffo and Benatti in the video.


Sweden’s largest music festival cancelled over ‘migrant sex attacks’

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 22 June 2018 11:17.

Photo Credits: Bråvalla festival

Voice of Europe, “Sweden’s largest music festival cancelled over ‘migrant sex attacks”, 22 June 2018:

The Bråvalla festival is Sweden’s largest music festival. Organisers have just announced that the event will come to an end after being cancelled this year due to sex attacks, local newspaper Norrköpings Tidningar reports.

Last year’s festival saw at least 11 sex attacks, three which led to arrests and the year before nearly 40 young girls complained of being sexually harassed and abused by men most often described as “foreign”.

Alexandra Larsson, a 17-year-old victim, described her attackers saying: “They were probably immigrants. I hate to say it. But it is the truth.”

The organisations public relations person, Kajsa Apelqvist, said: “It’s a very disappointing decision to take, but the overall picture we have is that we can not develop the festival in the way we want to be relevant to our visitors in the future.”

They have tried to help ensure visitor safety, encouraging people to talk and report criminal offences; they’re proud of that; however, they don’t see possibility for the festival to continue in the future while still ensuring safety of festival goers.

Sweden has a serious problem with sex attacks on its festivals. We’ve earlier reported that the incidents started already in the year 2000 and were taking place at other festivals at least since 2006.

Hungarian Government to Outlaw Settling an ‘Alien Population’ in their Country

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 00:35.

National Vanguard, “Hungarian Government to Outlaw Settling an ‘Alien Population’ in that Country”, 16 June 2018:

THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has introduced a constitutional amendment to its parliament which will make it constitutionally illegal to settle any “alien population” in that country — and which will make it a jailable offense to in any way help or assist illegal invaders.

The new law — introduced on Tuesday — will make it a criminal offence — punishable with jail — for any person who helps an illegal invader who is not a recognized “refugee,” to either stay — or even attempt to gain status to stay — in that country.

The text of the legislation, posted on parliament’s website, said: “Those who provide financial means … or conduct this organizational activity (for illegal immigration) on a regular basis will be punishable with up to one year in prison.”

In addition, the law specifically rejects European Union quotas to distribute non-White invaders around that bloc.

The new bill also says that foreigners who sought to enter Hungary via a third country in which they were not directly exposed to persecution would not be entitled to “asylum” — a rule which effectively means that no one who is not fleeing a neighboring state (Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, the Ukraine, and Slovakia) in fear of their lives, will not qualify for “refugee” status.

“We need an action plan to defend Hungary and this is the STOP Soros package of bills,” the interior ministry said in a comment accompanying the legislation.

It said there were international and also Hungarian organizations helping the entry of illegal migrants to Hungary, adding: “Sanctioning these is justified.” It did not name any groups.

The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR urged Hungary to scrap the draft law restricting non-governmental organizations, saying it would deprive refugees and asylum-seekers of vital services and encourage “rising xenophobic attitudes”.

The new “Stop Soros” bill no longer contains a 25 percent tax that its previous version in February wanted to impose on foreign donations to non-governmental organisations that back migration.

But the “Hungarian Helsinki Committee,” which provides legal aid to non-White invaders, said the bill was “against European democratic values.”

Source, New Observer


Star Online,
“Hungary aims to criminalise aiding illegal migration in ‘Stop Soros’ bill”, 29 May 2018:

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Individuals or groups who help migrants not entitled to protection to submit requests for asylum or who help illegal migrants gain status to stay in Hungary will be liable to jail under legislation submitted to parliament on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government has also proposed amending the constitution to state that an “alien population” cannot be settled in Hungary, rejecting European Union quotas to distribute migrants around the bloc.

In power since 2010, the nationalist Orban has tightened state control over the media and campaigned on a platform of fierce hostility to immigration - policies that have put him in conflict with the European Union, which funds development policies to the tune of billions of euros a year.

The new bill also says that foreigners who sought to enter Hungary via a third country in which they were not directly exposed to persecution would not be entitled to asylum.


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Al Ross commented in entry 'The road to revolution, part three' on Thu, 04 Jul 2024 02:21. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:28. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 23:26. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 02 Jun 2024 11:55. (View)

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